
Foraging, Edible and Medicinal Plants

As in all things it is best to use your own judgement on whether information on the web is valid and useful. Here is a compilation of links posted on Prepper Facebook Feeds. I have looked through them for acceptable content, but I do not endorse any of the info in the links below, I leave the decisions about content to your judgement.

 This info is being processed. It is not in final form, but should you need to know what is edible here is a list of what has been mention on Prepper facebook pages. It will eventually be organized, alphbetized and have links to more information for each plant.

lambs quarters, nettles, poke weed, sumac and milkweed,  dandelions-Cover the dandelions with an inverted flower pot to blanche them.,  chicory, dock, spiderwort, plantain, cleavers, cloves, chickweed, Sorrell , poke salad, garlic mustard...2 kind of nettles [stinging and Canadian Laportia]....impatiens,.sorrel, daylillies, dead nettles, You can also forage fern fiddleheads- in the spring, wild ramps -in the spring,  plantain, (not the banana, the plant)-edible and medicinal, Kudzu- is edible, both root, (peel roots before cooking) and leaf, chickory- (has blue flowers found on roadside) roots can be roasted for coffee like beverage), cattails( tops in young stage taste like corn, stems near bottom are edible, and the roots are edible). White Clover flower and leaf is edible,  the greens tastes better cooked than raw,  Red clover is a field nibble...large amounts are a problem...contains coumarin.. can be an anti-coagulant. Made into salve it helps with burns,eczema and psoriasis as well as other skin disorders.It is an anti-inflammatory. Taro- looks like the tropical plant called elephant's ear, but has a more arrowhead shaped leaf with linear veins fanning out from the stem to the leaf tips. It is edible and can actually be cultivated fairly easily.  Hen of the Woods , Wild Onions, Wild Asparagus
Turmeric , Paw Paws,

Nuts in the wild-  Keep your eyes open for other edible nuts in the woods. Hickory nuts are commonly foraged and are prolific, black walnuts, (who's shells can also be used to fight fungal infections, herpes all simplexes, intestinal parasites, and as a laxative), filberts, (also known as hazelnuts), White Walnut (also known as butternuts, in the south it is not uncommon to find wild pecan trees, then there are beech nuts in the north,. A good tree identification guide would also give pictures of the nuts from the trees. Swamp hickory or Pignut but it has to be processed it like acorns...bitter.

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