
January 11, 2015

A New Blog

It is January and the weather has driven me inside, so it seemed like a good time for me to check a resolve off my list... Begin the Homesteader's Pantry Journal blog. This is a new blog that I am developing to focus on the preparedness aspects of Homesteading and Pantry Keeping. I have another blog,, that focus' on our life as suburban homesteaders, about the daily activities around our place, on going projects, travel and our vegan lifestyle. It is about life, home and hearth and I love that blog, and will continue to actively post there, but I wanted a place where I could focus on a subject that I feel very passionate about; Preparedness/Prepping. Actually, I don't like that word, it connotes as sense of fear or panic, which is totally the opposite of our philosophy. But in order for search engines to reach those with similar interests to mine, I will use the word Prepper in my tag lines. I am not the kind of "Prepper"  that is stockpiling premade freeze dried meals and ammo for a particular "end of the world type scenario. I am more concerned with having a life that is disturbed or infleunced as little as possible by outside forces. By being frugal and prudent, by thinking ahead and being well stocked and well practiced in the arts of simple living, it is my hope that whatever storms are on the horizon, (literal or metaphorical), we will be able to adjust and keep our lives as normal as possible. So I guess you could say that I am a Prepper, minus the panic....

Normally, the first post on a new blog would spend a lot of time establishing the  philosophy of the blogger and what the blog is all about, but I am just going to jump in and share some of the pertinent posts from my other blog, and add some new ones as quickly as possible. I want to have this thing up and running and then I can spend some time on personal philosophy and thoughts on where I want this blog to go. If you are interested in who I am and a little about my philosophy, click the "Our Philosophy" tab under the blog title banner or even better if you haven't seen my other blog, go here and read all about us, our life at Heart's Ease Cottage and our adventures living in the rainforest of Costa Rica. From my comfy chair in front of the fire I say welcome! Pull up a chair and stay awhile.

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